Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Video Art presenation

KT Stemper, Piolotti Rush

A weird video, lots of synbolism, flowers, blue dress and red shoes, metal flowers to break windows. Pop-culture influences, color enhancements and humor put us in a dream like state

Ryan. Semiotics of the Kitchen

Feminist video created by a first generation feminist Martha Rosler. This is a darkly humorous piece about the tools of the kitchen. She holds the title ridiculously long in the entire piece. Huh, he does goe through the alphabet, i didn't catch that the last couple times i've seen the video. Her use of the tools is strange. ahh, lol her face kills me, its so deadpan. Her tossing the 'liquid' violently out of the label is very poignant to her message. This is all one take, she couldn't mess up. The end shrug is awesome. It's a big "what are you gonna do about it."

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