Monday, January 11, 2010

Stop motion videos the cheerful, and then the not-so cheerful

Out of the videos we watched today, the Quay Brothers were definately the strangest. They left me in a wierd funk after I left. I can't get those creepy doll things outta my head. Their movement clothes appearence, all of fasinately distrubing. The point of it was definately confusing, something like that city was as dry as crocodiles... The use of light was important to direct the viewers attention, and to create an eerie darkness around most of the others pieces in the set. The quick moving camera angles when they would move from place to place was so very clever. Not to mention their memorable characters, like those dolls, the hero (im assuming) the little boy, lightbulb guy and statues of women fondeling themselves. It was definately wierd.
The Whitestrips music video was also pretty cool, especially with the repition of the drum beat and the instruments they played. You can tell a lot of work went into that video. And a lot of money, since I'm assuming they bought all those copies of those drums. Which actually was a thought that started to bother me near the middle, "What are they going to do with all those extra drums they made especially for thi video?" The repition of certian pictures was helpful too and it was trippy when the girl changed herself around each of the drum sets. Another AMAZING thing though about that video was the syncing. That was very impressive.
Automatic Writing by William Kentridge was also very cool to watch. The way he just layered each thing on top of or out of the previous drawings was magnificent. His work seemed very poetic and romantic. For his interview I can't believe the fact he was just an artist because he was buing his time. I loved how the forms of the letters formed into body parts and buildings through out the piece.

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