Saturday, April 17, 2010

Progress with final

The stop animation take FOREVER!! but the results are gorgeous. Finishing up with finaling touches. Enjoy the screenshots. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

some screen shots

Final project: ritual and time

There are many symbols of time in my piece. Besides that fact that everything depicted is terminal (we all eventually run out of time) the main symbols of time are the fire and the time-span of the creatures life. The Indian legend I am basing my piece a bit loosely on is about a young girl, an older woman and a little boy, cut off from their tribe and isolated in the forest. The girl became pregnant and the woman angry at her daughter and unable to support another child, she threw the baby in the water to drown in. the baby was in her daughters arms the next day. she then threw the baby into a great blazing fire. the next day the daughter still had it, young and healthy in her arms. The mother then buried it alive in a deep hole in the forest. When the next day it was in her daughters arms, healthy and alive. She figured they were blessed and this child was the Spirit Child. Kind of like the Jesus and Mary story.

What i find interesting in this story is a)the immortality and 'timeless' baby and b) the visual image in the head the story created it of it being thrown into the fire.

What I have taken from this story is a type of twisted infant resurrection. What if the baby did burn in the fire and the daughter distraught tried to bring it back to life. I created this ominous setting of the girl at night. Dragging a palm to make the fire to carry out the ceremony. My choice of outfit and character is meant to compliment the firelight and add the other worldliness of the piece. I don't want it deeply rooted by Indian Folklore rather influenced by it.

By an unfortunate turn, my previous plan of filming her part in HD then the zombie baby in stop animation has turned into an entire stop animation. So to adapt I'm making her part more abstract than literal. Hopefully viewer will understand what it going on. I might use text to aid them in discerning events.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Haunted Critque and My ideas

My inspiration.

I'm sorry to keep doing this. I live in Sledd and I barely get internet, I usually have to walk my laptop away to the common area-downstairs and through the hall- to get internet, cause we live on the end. My battery life doesn't last long... ANYWAY. As i said in class, i wanted to do an abstracted piece where the visual and physical parts of the elevator were transformed into sound, as well as the sound an elevator makes. I was inspired by the cinematic and I guess took a page from Disney (bleh) and it turned out to be like a R rated tower of terror or somthing. (maybe PG-13) I wanted a very abstracted almost anti-musical piece like the fluxus people do. I think my loop pertained more when it was by the elevator, but it evoked more of the intended feelings I had hoped for in the dark haunted hallway. The hysteria of the ghost girl probably added to it too.


Ryan's was okay. His intention conflicted with his piece and hit set-up of the viewers. It sounded just like my car when I search for radio stations with all the mainstream music. It was pretty musically based.

Emily's stuck the truest to her original score, it did evoke an almost claustrophobic, unbearable feeling which is good if intended. The hallway was good acoustics for it, and i loved how it sped up and that strange clown fart noise was interestingly odd. it got a lil repetitive but it looped seamlessly.

In Will's i was lost at first but then i gathered a narrative feel. As if someone put a microphone by a boy and recorded the sounds of his day.

The twilight zone was good, it fit the hallway nicely. The totally random if I'm Alive was awesome and I wish you could've expounded on that, idk make the main stream artist zombified and twisted.

Gaby's had a lot of really good seamless transitions between songs. I really liked hers. The phonograph sounded like dragging bodies and make me feel a bit unconformable. It was sweet.

Leslie's piece was very abstracted and nice. Those mechanical noises were intense and mimicked the elevator very nicely. I didn't get the sun exploding, but that's because i was relating it to the elevator and not her previous piece about the sun.

KT's piece was soothing and nice with the random slot machine pieces, it would lull me into a stupor then yank me outta it. I really liked how she broke down the opera song in the end.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest of Sound Critque

Olga: Musical, most peoples are musical, its cool how the poem goes with the tempo of the music. The second one makes me sleepy , very ambient and relaxing with the birds and waves. I like how the volume went up and the ringing and chaos entered. Something peaceful like birds and waves becoming threatening, it was a nice touch.

Melissa: interesting, the french one seemed a little better. it was stranger that's probably why i liked it. the German one was a bit scattered but still neat.

Will: musical, beat-boxy. a very good remix, it seems like you've done this before. I like the second one, I'm glad you used an old speech in your work.

Anthony: wasn't here

Somthing Cool